
“16 year old gunned down in gang violence.”
“Teen found dead due to drug overdose.”
Headlines that break the heart . . .

And the saddest part? While these children were alive, they were never given the chance to let their ideas shine.

They grew up with the idea that their ideas don’t matter – that they aren’t capable of anything ‘big’. Their biggest dream is often to provide for their family by moving up the drug dealer ranks.

These good people were born a happy baby to a mother just like everyone else. They were born with curiosity, excitement, skills, and ideas ready to burst out of them. Ideas that could change the world.

The only difference?


They’re the forgotten youth.

The “problems.” The ones that are put in remedial classes – not to get extra help – but to get out of everyone’s hair. The ones that quit going to school because – and these are their words – “no one wants to teach me so what’s the point?”

I couldn’t agree more.

We are losing young lives and world-changing ideas every day. Because these kids are never taught to believe in themselves and no one believes in them.

And it’s enough. It’s time for a new paradigm of education . . .

Introducing “Transformation Through Travel”

If given the chance, these youth WILL change the world. They will unite from countries around the world to form “One Planet For Change” and become the leaders of tomorrow.

They will make this planet a better place, starting with their own communities and expanding out globally. All we need to do is help them believe they can. We need to help foster the creativity they were born with, mentor them, believe in them, and support them as they . . .

  • Come up with world-changing ideas,
  • Fundraise for them, and
  • Implement them from start to finish.

Our Mission is Two-Fold

Part One: Take these young men and women on service trips to other states/countries where they’ll implement projects they come up with and fund. This will …

  • Expand their world. They will learn a different culture and see how life exists outside the 10-block radius they’re used to. It will blow their minds open to what’s possible in the world.
  • Help them remember that they are powerful creators of their own reality. By seeing one of their own ideas come into reality to impact others’ lives, they will get a taste of what they’re truly capable of.

Part Two: Work with local organizations and individuals from poverty-stricken neighborhoods around the world to:

  • Mentor these young men and women: As they return to their communities with a new realization of what they’re capable of, they will be supported as they re-focus on how they can impact their own lives and communities through service projects.
  • Collaborate with Local Organizations to Offer Classes: In addition to mentoring, they will have access to classes that will foster their creativity and help them grow their love of themselves, teaching to all levels of their being: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual (meditaiton, yoga, breathwork, martial arts, dancing, acting, music, singing, sports, art, etc.)
  • Support them as they come up with community-changing and world-changing ideas: As they come up with ideas to improve their lives and communities, budgets, fundraising plans, and action plans, they will be supported and educated every step of the way.
  • Connect on a global level: As these young men and women continue to connect with their counterparts in other countries, facilitating them working together as a global team to foster global change, connection, and community.

About the Founder: Joe Brachocki

In 2010, Joe started a tutoring business and tutored teens in their homes in Newark, New Jersey.

There he saw the truth … that no one believed in them:

  • Not their teachers.
  • Not their parents.
  • Not themselves.

It wasn’t because their parents didn’t care – they just didn’t know any better. Because they had parents that didn’t know any better. A vicious cycle perpetuating.

As for the teachers – sometimes they weren’t paid enough or qualified. Other times, they were overwhelmed with over-sized classes.

And so, with nothing to do with their time and no one to help them see that their ideas matter , they often turn to drugs and gangs – the only way they see to move up in the world and the only way they see to occupy their time.

Their biggest dream to eventually go to New York City – a $2.50 ticket and 30 minute train ride from their home – but they never did it. Even that seemed too big. Their whole world was Newark, NJ and they couldn’t see past it. They were never given a reason to believe anything is possible outside their small bubble.

And then some die – due to drugs or violence – and are quickly forgotten. Others continue to squander their gifts.

Their bright spark never realized . . .

Then, in 2013, he moved to Kenya to see for himself what life was like for teens there.

There were different problems with a similar theme.

Teens with nothing to do and no one to believe in them turning to drugs, violence, and theft.

Teens being sponsored by foreigners and graduating high school but then left with nothing to do – not able to afford university and not enough work around for them to support themselves and their family. They end up right back where they started – believing they’re not capable of anything big and seeing their town as their whole world.

Now, having traveled the world . . .

I’ve realized that the underlying problem – teens with nothing to do and no one to believe in them – is a global problem: in the U.S., in South America, in Europe, and beyond . . .

And, each year, we lose more and more world-changing ideas as the youth of our planet get gunned down and drugged out – without ever having a chance to see all they’re capable of.

And so he founded One Planet For Change.

He’s always felt lucky to be born to a mom who believes in each one of his crazy ideas and to a school system where he was given a chance to shine.

And he’s felt a responsibility to make sure others who weren’t born into that belief or circumstance – get it from somewhere. Because there are so many brilliant ideas inside the youth that our planet desperately NEEDS to see the light of day.

These youth WILL change the world. They will come together and form “One Planet For Change”, making a difference in their community and in the world.