
San Diego to Kenya Service Trip

In 2017, we will be taking 10 young men and women from San Diego to Kenya. On this trip, they will implement an idea that they came up with and fundraised for that will change the lives of Kenyans forever. And, in the process, they will realize for the first time how powerful they, and their ideas, are – while also expanding their world view.
Some of the possible projects they’ll help structure, create, and fundraise for are a new classroom, a sustainable farm, or an empowerment center. As the youth team takes shape, they will decide along with their Kenyan counterparts how they can best serve.

San Diego Outreach Series

Every community where One Planet for Change operates has unique community and geographic elements to navigate. That’s why we focus on bringing together local community members and organizations to support the young men and women we transform through travel.

San Diego has a vibrant and thriving entrepreneur scene as well as a spiritually-connected community. These wildly-successful spiritually-connected business owners have been through a lot to get where they are. And they have deeply transforming messages to share. We help them tweak their messages for the young men and women we serve. We then help them get in front of those young men and women to share through speaking, meditation, yoga, connection exercises, breathwork, and more.

San Diego is also extremely spread out. That’s why it’s important to do this outreach in several neighborhoods so that we give all the young men and women a chance to be a part of this. We are working on building relationships with organizations and youth in the most-in-need neighborhoods of San Diego.